The last few years have been anything but normal. We went from masking to no masking, from standing six feet apart to standing shoulder-to-shoulder. My little family managed to avoid COVID despite numerous exposures at school and work. My hubs and I went from zero travel to at least six trips between us this past year. My fitness journey has become a lifestyle change. While I have not done an outdoor run in a few weeks, I still maintain 45 minutes of daily walking; I still do intermittent fasting. All the little things add to a whole pie of gratitude.
Grateful for the work.
As my hotel prepares to reopen after a full renovation and a rebrand, I think back to the time in 2020 when the city was barren and sad, when we did not know how long the pandemic would last. Now, the city is beginning to buzz again. On weekends, my Japantown/Fillmore neighborhood is alive with visitors. It is delightful to see my local businesses busy. I can’t wait for our hotel to be part of that action again. At the same time, I am grateful that I could continue working (during the hotel’s closure) and support my children during their pandemic learning. It was rough, but we grew stronger as a family unit. I am grateful that I put my health first and accomplished feats I never fathomed I could or would do, like running 10Ks or completing a 200-mile bike ride.
Grateful for community.
I am grateful for my school community at both my daughters’ schools. They provided me with the necessary human connection that web conferencing can never replicate. I never realized how much I needed to be around others until I stopped to think about it. Thank you to my PTA family, my rolling drop-off crew, and the schoolteachers I call friends. I am grateful for my writers’ group. Being part of this diverse group of moms brings me joy, even when you rarely see or hear me. Thank you, SFBAM, for giving me a space for my voice. We all need this kind of creative space.

While some things are beyond my control, like my work schedule or the seemingly endless tasks that lay before me, I am grateful that I still get to do what I love in the city, surrounded by the circle of people who lift and inspire me. My daughters are also learning to be grateful for the little things because we should be grateful for everything, big things and little things. Every day is a day to be grateful for something. Today, I am grateful to put pen to paper.