This post is in partnership with Beyond the School Run and contains Amazon Affiliate links. In Louise Webster's book, A New Way for Mothers, Louise guides mothers step-by-step through the process she developed to help mothers find deeper meaning and...
One of my oldest friends visited recently. We had a lot to catch up about. We spoke about his blossoming career as a social worker and about mine (yes, it’s a job) as a full-time mother. And among other...
As I was sitting in traffic one morning with my girls, I asked my four-year-old if she thought all the mommies and daddies in the cars around us were going to work. Her response, “Oh, Mama, that’s so silly....
There are so many articles out there about how challenging or isolating it can be to be a full time, stay at home parent. After two years at home with my son, Henry, I have plenty of material to...
Evening is approaching and the natives are getting restless (i.e. hungry, whiny, increasingly prone to assaulting one another). And guess what? Dad is working late/out of town/fill-in-the-blank and you’re managing this circus solo up through bedtime. Before you start...
“I have nothing to wear.” Every woman has said it, but I have the opposite problem.  I have everything to wear and nowhere to wear it.  I spent the majority of my career in women’s fashion, and I have...
exhaustion of motherhood

Moms, Take the Nap

I had a hard time adjusting to the slower speed of maternity leave. I’d become accustomed to the nonstop deluge of work emails, and I’d gotten into the habit of always checking my phone right before bed and immediately...
Sometimes I can’t believe I survived the first year. I would be walking my daughter and find myself window shopping bars during Happy Hour. Seeing people without kids happily carrying on amongst friends, it dawned on me that a carefree...
The other day I took my kids to breakfast at a local diner. It was my day off, so I was in my preferred comfort attire of Fabletics workout pants and a sweatshirt, my hair in a messy bun....
If there was such a thing as the playground police, and I was its sheriff, I'd swagger around the playground, ticket book in hand, ready to enforce the following rules.* These rules would make my life as the mother...

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Show The Love with These 3 Mindfulness Practices

It’s Valentine’s! Let’s show the love. How? Try these three mindfulness practices to nurture connection and support your loved ones. 1. Mindful Appreciation With moms carrying...

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