How do you fundraise with your fellow parents at school? My littles are in the 1st and 2nd grades. Since pre-school, I have participated in the PTA and my kids' classrooms, and one thing has stayed the same every...
“I have nothing to wear.” Every woman has said it, but I have the opposite problem. I have everything to wear and nowhere to wear it. I spent the majority of my career in women’s fashion, and I have...
If there was such a thing as the playground police, and I was its sheriff, I'd swagger around the playground, ticket book in hand, ready to enforce the following rules.* These rules would make my life as the mother...
Self Care. These words have been popping up everywhere lately, but what does that really mean? Most moms — working or stay at home — know self care comes last, after packing lunches, laundry, grocery shopping, carpooling, updating and...
It was after nap time, and my 23-month-old kept repeating “mar mar” (markers) while heading to where the markers were kept, high on the shelf. With no forthcoming response from me, he proceeded to flip over a nearby basket...
More than once, I've had someone tell me that, for stay-at-home parents like me, every day is a Saturday. They're implying that since I don't work a "real job" I enjoy leisurely, unstructured days doing whatever I want. This...
The Truth About Contact Naps
If you're not yet a parent, "contact napping" is simply letting your baby nap on top of you. In the early days, new parents are thrilled, just wanting to sit quietly and marvel at their...
After months of a self-imposed sabbatical from writing, I'm back, hungry for dialogue that isn't work-related. I am writing about something all too common for us moms: being sick. Moms are not permitted to be sick. We are expected...
I’ll be honest: I dreamt of the old school version of stay at home mom life. I grew up imagining myself putting a roast on while the kids played on the front lawn or planting flowers in the spring...
In 2018, I attended a work meeting where we were all asked to share a work accomplishment of which we were most proud. I was one of the only mothers on my team at the time. People talked about...