Evening is approaching and the natives are getting restless (i.e. hungry, whiny, increasingly prone to assaulting one another). And guess what? Dad is working late/out of town/fill-in-the-blank and you’re managing this circus solo up through bedtime.
Before you start...
Self Care. These words have been popping up everywhere lately, but what does that really mean? Most moms — working or stay at home — know self care comes last, after packing lunches, laundry, grocery shopping, carpooling, updating and...
Sometimes I can’t believe I survived the first year.
I would be walking my daughter and find myself window shopping bars during Happy Hour. Seeing people without kids happily carrying on amongst friends, it dawned on me that a carefree...
Stay at home moms can bring home extra spending money by participating in focus groups and other types of market research. Life as a stay at home mom can monopolize most of your time and energy, but focus groups...
There are so many articles out there about how challenging or isolating it can be to be a full time, stay at home parent. After two years at home with my son, Henry, I have plenty of material to...
Schools are officially closed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, so what are you planning to do with your kids? Children will be at home for at least three weeks, which leaves you with a lot of time...
One of my oldest friends visited recently. We had a lot to catch up about. We spoke about his blossoming career as a social worker and about mine (yes, it’s a job) as a full-time mother. And among other...
In 2018, I attended a work meeting where we were all asked to share a work accomplishment of which we were most proud. I was one of the only mothers on my team at the time. People talked about...
This post is in partnership with Beyond the School Run and contains Amazon Affiliate links.
In Louise Webster's book, A New Way for Mothers, Louise guides mothers step-by-step through the process she developed to help mothers find deeper meaning and...
How do you fundraise with your fellow parents at school? My littles are in the 1st and 2nd grades. Since pre-school, I have participated in the PTA and my kids' classrooms, and one thing has stayed the same every...